November 19, 2012

Bacterial Diseases
and the Fruits they affect:
- Fireblight – apples, pears
- Citrus canker, greening -oranges, grapefruit
- Bacterial canker – peaches
- Bacterial Leaf Spot
- Crown gall - apples, peaches, cherry, grapes
Fungal Diseases
can affect leaves, fruit, stems, and roots. They spread by soil and aerial
means (rain). They can be control with genetic resistance, fungicides, and
biological ways (natural).
Important Fungal
Diseases and the Fruits they affect:
- Black sigatoka – banana
- Fusarium, many crops – bananas
- Brown rot – peaches, citrus
- Black rot/ripe rot (postharvest) – grapes
- Scab – apple, citrus, peach
- Powdery mildew (dry environment) – grapes, apples, chestnut, cherries
- Wilt – grapes, blackberries, raspberries
- Anthracnose – avocado, mango
Mollicutes are similar to bacteria,
lack cell walls, and survive on inorganic sources. They have a life-like
similar to bacteria, and decline symptoms similar to viruses.
Important Mollicute Diseases and the Fruits
they affect:
- Witches Broom – Limes
- Stubborn Disease (spiroplasma) – Oranges
- Pear decline
- Lethal Yellows (phytoplasma) – Coconut
- Grapevine Yellows
Virus Diseases are the most severe of
all diseases. They spread by budwood, budding, grafting, insects, mites,
nematodes, and pollen. They can be control with genetic resistance and heat
- Citrus Tristeza: (mites)
- Apple Mosaic – apples, peaches (pollen)
- Papaya ring spot spread (Aphid)
- Tomato ring spot - apple, stone fruits (Nematode)
Other Common Pests of Fruit Crops
- Insects
- Mites
- Animals – deer, moles/voles
- Snails
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