26 - October 1, 2012

Further, we talked about the proper pH for a
plant to growth which is between this range: of 5.5 to 6.5. The essential
nutrients that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
magnesium, and sulfur. Phosphorus is needed in early season to promote sugar
metabolism and root growth. Then potassium helps in drought resistance (Osmotic
regulation) and helps in the seed development process. Excesses in potassium
usually not a problem, which is good to know in case there is excess potassium
applied in the crop.
Additionally, we covered benefies of mulches. Mulches modify soil temperatures, increase early and sometimes total yield. Mulches an also reduce weed competition, increase moisture retention, reduce fertilizer leaching, decrease soil compaction and increase fumigation effectiveness. A very interesting mulch used is silver mulch. Because of its metalized appearance, pests fly by it and are fooled by it. They can’t notice the existence of plants under it.
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