Monday, November 19, 2012

Pruning and Fumigation

November 14, 2012 

Pruning is the removal of a portion of a tree to correct or maintain tree structure. Training is a relatively new practice in which tree growth is directed into a desired shape and form. Training young fruit trees is essential for proper tree development. It is better to direct tree growth with training than to correct it with pruning.
As a principle of pruning, use sharp tools to make sharp cuts to avoid extended pieces of branch (nubs). It is not recommended to cut close to trunk instead make collar cut to avoid cracking the branch of the tree and there is no need to paint cuts.
Pruning is most often done during the winter, commonly referred to as dormant pruning. Training includes summer training and summer pruning as well as dormant pruning. The goal of tree training is to direct tree growth and minimize cutting.

Balance cropload and vegetative growth.
Improve light penetration.
Improve insecticide/fungicide efficacy.
Increase air movement.
Decrease disease.
Increase fruit size (Thin fruit buds, reduce yield)
Facilitate mechanical harvesting.

Fumigation is use to eliminate nematodes, replant disease and eliminate or reduce weed populations, which are all serious factors that inhibit the proper development of fruits crops.
Acute fumigant poisoning causes eye irritation, sore throat, headaches, nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties and aggravated asthma, and neurological effects such as convulsions, dizziness, or tremors. Fumigant exposure also has long-lasting effects that include cancer, respiratory damage: Exposure to fumigants can cause permanent respiratory damage, neurological effects, reproductive & developmental effects, immune system effects, and endocrine disruption.

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